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Below is the section from the resource that deals with Being at the Place (the Y2) and strategies.
I am glad the author put this trigger at the top of the list. It's why I have the Person of Risk as the Y1 and the Place as the Y2 Yellow Lights. Warning!! Warning!! Use Caution here!
Relapse Trigger #1: Putting Yourself In Difficult Situations Like Visiting Your Favorite Bar Or Hanging Out With Friends Who Are Still Using
Perhaps the most difficult part of recovery is leaving behind old friends or old habits that got us
into trouble in the first place. Even if we are committed to staying away from your previous group
of friends or hangouts, if we don’t change our habits and interests, we can quickly find yourself
with a new group of friends or hangout spots that are just as damaging to our recovery process.
Relapse Prevention Action Plan:
Relapse Prevention Action Plan:
Find alternative places to hang out like a local bookstore or coffee shop.
Choose companions who seek a healthy lifestyle.
Go to a recovery based meeting.
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