Since recoveryBox iPhone addiction recovery app is build for the purpose of being accountable to yourself and to others, it would help to understand well what does it mean to be accountable? I mean what does accountability really mean?
Not getting too fancy, I'll say that being accountable means taking responsibility for your actions.
For starters, there are all levels of being accountable to both yourself and to your sponsor/partner.
Today I'm just going to talk about what a G1 Lights are. It's called "Physical Self-Care" but what that looks like for everyone is different. The premise behind Physical Self-Care is MUST first take care of yourself physically before you can even think about the "next stuff".
And these taking care of yourself activities are good things..hence why they are green..meaning go go go and go some more. See, it's really simple, green lights are good. You want to fill your day with lots of green lights all day long and as many as you can get.
Think about it, ever notice how when we are sleep deprived or hungry our judgement goes out the door. I am not going to even pretend to be a medical doctor and tell you all about it..I don't think I need to. I think you already know what I'm talking about because your yourself have experienced it. Right?!? I have.
So each day we need to be responsible for taking care of ourself physically by doing certain activities. And yes these basic activities make up our G1 Green Lights. Yes the app does have some pre-canned examples that you can use right out of the box such as eating meals, sleeping, exercising, etc. BUT, you can customize that list by adding what is important to you. Perhaps taking a shower needs to be on your list? Or putting on makeup? Dunno...because only you can decide with the help of your counselor. (want a hint?? to access the list hit the comments will allow you to select from a list)
So start thinking about what should your G1's look like! Make a list and work with those who are keeping you accountable and see if they make sense.
Next post is going to be about how to actually enter those comments to begin building your list for each Green category. Then I'm thinking we will touch upon how flexible the app is for entering your lights...stay tuned for lots more to come.
Feel free to download recoveryBox iPhone addiction recovery app from the iTunes store.