Wondering Exactly How the Preferences Work?
It's very simple..say perhaps you are the type of person who doesn't enter today's "Lights" as they happen but you like to enter then the day after. Remember, use recoveryBox any which way you want..just use it to help break the addiction.OK, so you are entering yesterday's date..and you are finished creating a G1 - Green Light. Then you want to enter a G2..but the date reverts back to today's date. Well, the default behavior is always today's date in the hopes that you will track "lights" real-time. BUT...if you want to keep the date (as your default behavior) on the date of the last date you entered..then go to More Tools->Preferences and turn on the "Retain Date"; That setting will always retain the last date you entered.
And now it's obvious what "Retain Category" and "Retain Number of Lights" is right??
These options were asked to be included by the pilot group who were truly tracking their daily "Lights" and it became obvious that we don't all use recoveryBox in the exact same fashion.
"Enable Comments" is all about having any comments you enter for Yellow or Red Lights as well as Triggers be included in the Text/Email communication piece that gets generated for your accountability partner. Not everyone is comfortable with having a text or email with private thoughts being sent out into the world wide web..but perhaps only want a count for the Yellows or Reds. It's about maintaining your privacy as well as making it flexible for the user. Turn it on for comments to be included in the email/text or turn it off to keep that private.
And lastly, "Accountability Preference" is the default setting for the communication generated. You can always select what you want on the screen, but why not have one less key stroke and have a default?!?
If you have any questions about any of the preferences or any other part of recoveryBox, don't forget to send support an email. They will respond quickly..trust me..I know!