Tuesday, January 22, 2013

recoveryBox and the Ratings

OK, yes I am going to ask that if you downloaded recoveryBox from the Apple App Store to use during your Addiction Recovery, that if you have a favorable review please post it so that others who are searching for help can also find it.

If you have a negative review, please email me at support@recoveryboxapp.com before posting it so that perhaps it's something I can easily fix.  Remember I am not a counselor, etc. I am just a person who has created recoveryBox to help others and others in addiction recovery.

Together, let's help others conquer their addictions.

How do I rate recoveryBox?

1. You can go to the iTunes store directly from this link.

2. Anytime you achieve a badge, under the frame there is a "Cool, rate this in the App Store".

3. You can get there from the More Tools in the App.

Choose More Tools -> Rate In the App Store

Then rate in the app store from this screen.