Group Accountability is crucial to addiction recovery. Many posts on this blog have been about one-to-one accountability, but (and I know this is hard) it's so important to attend some sort of Group Accountability meeting.
It can be a traditional 12 Step Meeting, it can be a group therapy session, or a Celebrate Recovery meeting. Whatever that looks like for you...but it's so important.
It counts as a G2 - Group Accountability Light.
At most meetings you don't have to say a single word until you are ready. But as the time goes along, the reason you attend is to be able to open up, have others understand your experiences, and offer support. Not all meetings are alike - don't give up finding the right one!
Your support system ought to include others who have walked the path that you are going through.
Use recoveryBox with your group to share how your life is turning around and the Green Lights are improving (showing growth in healthy areas). Share your yellow or red lights when ready. There is no need to have to rethink everything since you already recorded it. Use that to reflect back at a later date and learn from those mistakes. Then move on!
Click here to download recoveryBox from the iPhone store.