This is where the the entire concept for recoveryBox comes together. You have been diligent about entering your Lights and Triggers and now...
It's time to be honest with someone other than yourself. And that's why you have a sponsor or accountability partner from a traditional 12 Step Program or from Celebrate Recovery.
When you send a text/email to your accountability partner, it will tally all of the Green, Yellow and Red lights. You select the time frame (when I write more about the accountability module I'll explain how the dates default).
This is what's so awesome..there is no remembering what the day or week looked like because you already did the work when you entered the lights!! And believe me it is work being honest to yourself.
As you can see I use recoveryBox to text (as that's the default I set up) each day by 10:00PM. It really is that simple and my sponsor can see as a snapshot what my day looked like. Let's see an example of what the system builds as a started text/email ( I can edit the piece of communication if I want before I send it too).
As you can see it puts the date (and in my case it's just the one date otherwise it's the range of dates I selected). Then it puts a total of my lights broken down by color...My sponsor and I have made a Green target number I'm supposed to hit and it changes as I meet my goals.
The Yellows and Red's are the hardest for me but it's where I'm being completely honest with myself and another. Under the settings panel I've enabled comments to be added to my communication piece. I have nothing to hide from my sponsor but it's nice to have the option (again, when I write more about that module, I'll show you how to enable those).
If I entered any triggers for the day, anything over a green level is included as well as my journaling. I love being able to communicate to my sponsor without having to retype anything..yet I have it all recorded for me. Sometimes my sponsor sees something that he is concerned about and will either call or text me back right away..but most times I just get a response saying "OK". And that's all I need.
This part of recoveryBox is what really allows communication and knowledge to happen between my sponsor and myself. BUT I do use this with my counselor too. Sometimes I'm asked how the week was and it's so easy to pull up the information any way I want. And I'm much more accurate because I can't say "I forgot".
Being successful in Addiction Recovery is about making changes. With recoveryBox you can actually quantify the changes ~ and that's a good thing!
Use recoveryBox now for your Addiction Recovery.
Designed for accountability, recoveryBox is an iOS app toolset that facilitates tracking of daily life activities by easily breaking them down into your "lights". Breaking habits requires knowing why we do what we do, when do we do it and coming up with goals to break unhealthy behaviors. recoveryBox has the tools needed to help with addiction recovery. recoveryBox is designed to work with any addiction: drugs, gambling, pornography, alcohol and more!!